Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Visitor CCTV on your TV

There are residents who are not aware that we can view our visitors on the TV. This facility was installed three years ago but some new residents are not aware of it. There is no charges to use this facility, it is free of charge.

When your friends come to pay you a visit, the security personnel will call you on the intercom to notify you. You can then switch to the preset channel on your TV to view your visitor.

To use this facility, your TV needs to be connected to the TV antenna socket on the wall (connecting only to the Astro socket does not work). Then preset a channel on your TV to receive the signal coming from the TV antenna socket. For example, select channel 5 on your TV and then do the tuning until you receive the picture of the guard post at the main entrance. Save the tuning. Every time you need to view your visitor, just switch to channel 5.

If you need assistance to set your TV, please request from the management office.

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